Thursday, October 4, 2012

Arranging our garden: part 2

I don't actually have a part 1 post on arranging the garden, but I talked about it a little in this post. We've been wanting to line the back of our garden with shrubs and bushes to obscure an awful-looking shed surrounded by tools and garbage of all kinds (not ours, by the way!), so today I finally placed our order on the Bakker website. I chose the four-season shrubs, which are basically 6 different types of shrubs that you place next to each other. I bought 2 sets of those in order to be able to fully line the back of the garden, which is about 16 meters not counting about 4 meters that will be used to house some chickens in the future. (Metric system ftw!)
The only picture I can find of the four-season shrubs is this sketch, but you get the gist:

I also added this butterfly bush to my shopping cart:
I think it looks beautiful. Hopefully it will attract lots of butterflies and no bees. :)
In order for the shrubs to be planted, we need to break up most of the soil again and take out the plants that are already there. We also want to make a little border separating the shrubs from the lawn, so that everything looks nice and tidy. We'll probably move the border stones from my parents' house to ours this weekend. That way when the shrubs are delivered (hopefully sometime next week) we can plant them right away and put some fencing in front of it. Otherwise our doggies would have the time of their lives digging them out again. Oh the joy of being a dog owner!
Stay tuned for part 3!

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